娇娇公主 发表于 2023-4-25 16:05:31


[视频名称] : FFS-体重177磅的高大女神暴揍体重139磅的怂男!先揍趴下再用臭脚暴踩!

[视频尺寸] : 1920*1080

[视频大小] : 267 MB

[视频时长] : 10:06

[内容概要] :FFS-体重177磅的高大女神暴揍体重139磅的怂男!先揍趴下再用臭脚暴踩!

[部分对话] : 嗯。
look so sexy in this dress wow。
I wonder what my slave is。
hey slave get over here if you enough'sorry I fuck re no I said on the scale skinny bitch yes I'm sorry。
oh my gosh。
you're so small I was trying To Gain weight I'm sorry really I can see your ribs look at the camera showing up the little weak when you are like I'LL seeing your size that our compared to mine。
I was trying To Gain weight through something IM sorry。
unacceptable like I blow you over let's show them up the scale says。
get on the scale get on the fucking scale you little shrimp。
oh my gosh isn't the paththetic。
I can fucking knock you over you're so weak get the fuck up you but that piece of shit I said get up no I'm going To Get a workout in。
before I know my girlfriend this was。
this is all your good for after all。
you move your fucking接得。
come on I didn't even to that hard that was my left stop I think you can,啊啊啊啊啊。
I lay down on the fucking ground。
you ready get your。
never ready please go someone I can take it。
what are you saying you think I'have no no I would never say that。
paththetic piece of ships。
god what am my heavy good you're really insulting me w good cut god。
good god can god good good。
no please you crushing me at the point oh girl girl oh you not。



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